Wednesday 29 October 2014

Do you want to know a secret?

Okay - so we have literally been getting hundreds of requests to Ginny that sort of go like this...

"How do you make it in the music world. How do you become a new music artist?"

Now this may seem strange that people are asking a relatively unknown music artist this kind of advice. You'd think they would be asking some of the greats in the music industry - so we asked back "Why are you asking Ginny?"

This is a very telling answer about the way the world has changed in the digital era.

The answer seems to go something like this. The young aspiring music artists no longer feel that the classic #a&R path is valid anymore. They think the record labels like #sonymusic #emi #warnermusic are all heading the way of the dinosaurs. Their huge promotion machines are less powerful in the digital age of #twitter and #facebook #youtube and #vevo. The power as we've been saying for the last year is in the hands of the fans not the companies.

Recording studios and technology were once so far out of reach of the masses that it was unthinkable that an individual could take it upon themselves to record a professional level song. But with the power of #apple and dedicated recording software like #protools - that power is in the hand of the individual.

So those people are not looking to the megastars that have already made it - they are looking to people like #ginny that are right in the eye of the storm - doing this through the power of social media. They want to know the real world experience of how she is managing to get a huge social media following - and getting her sounds out through digital media such as #soundcloud and #reverbnation.

Our initial project #astarmadebyyou was all about encouraging this type of venture - so we have decided to share ALL of the secrets that have been behind Ginny and her rapid rise to fame. Through this blog and one of Ginny's #google+ pages we are going to help people to learn from the lessons we have been learning.

There is no right answer! This industry is now a rapidly moving target - digital distribution like #spotify or #deezer #beats or a host of streaming services are already decimating #itunes.
The movement is that rapid. What we can share is what we know today - what is working and what is not. We have set up a YouTube channel where some of the production team will discuss what we have been doing - and where we are going and more importantly how we are doing it.

We feel we have amazing success with the Ginny Vee brand - but we can always be better. We hope that we will get support from fans and other musicians as we move forward with this project.

As an initial starting place we are sharing this youtube channel. Knowledge is not power any more- acting on the knowledge in the right way is - so we will share everything.


We have shared some of the videos that helped us to make sense of this ever changing world of musical promotion - demos - digital and the near future of this industry.
If you have a direct question then simply comment - of ask Ginny on her G+ or FB pages.

This will be fun.

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