Sunday, 3 January 2016


It is a long road between when an artist imagines a song and the audience gets to hear the final version. It's a blending of both ART and the SCIENCE OF SOUND.

With the backing of Edison Music Group - Ginny has been able to get access to some of the best equipment on the planet to help to get the sound she has been imagining for over ten years.

In the project studio of "Plan B" in #rome - Ginny has been working with music genius Roberto Cola on an exclusive "Pop" sound that takes Pop back to its Purity.

Using the latest technology such as AVID's PRO TOOLS they have been laying down incredible complex tracks that are layers of analogue sounds - not plugins. Using a wealth of original analogue synthesizers combined with real drum recordings that are sampled in the studio - the base tracks have a rich unequaled spectrum of sound - that harks back to the 80's pop but with a richness of modern rock.

This fusion has been the base of what Ginny is desperately trying to bring back in POP. Away with the plug ins and MELODYNE - and back to the real rich sound of Pop with a singer that - well - can actually sing. (Isn't that refreshing)

We think it's worth all the extra effort it takes to do this.

CINDERELLA BABY - the new upcoming single from Ginny - is that fusion, with a deep pop richness that will stamp Ginny's Brand on pop music.

Already seen in her prototype single - Heaven n Back - This rich layered analogue sound was hailed as "A refreshing return to what pop really should sound like." And Ginny has been building on this to create an explosive new single.

The team has experimented with a range of real instrument recordings, including what will be one of the funkiest guitar riffs of 2016. The team has created over 52 channels to combine into a rich deep sound that we hope the fans will find satisfying listening.

Ginny Vee and the team do not believe in just "Throwing stuff out" and luckily Edison Music is behind that philosophy. CINDERELLA BABY has been a project that has just passed its 1 year anniversary from the original concept. It has grown through several iterations and finally yesterday it was taken to one of the best sound studios in Europe - REVOLVER studios in Guidonia near Rome.

With one of the best mixing sets ups in Italy, Ginny and the team spent a grueling day (already after a day's work by the amazing sound engineer Walter Babbini) - to get everyone of the tracks balanced - compressed and perfected. The result - we hope - the fans will find very satisfying.

In the world of pop music there can be no substitute for getting into a professional mixing studio on a massive solid state sound mixing desk and having an engineer work on the track. "Bedroom" mixing "In the box" can only take a track so far - but if you want that rich - punchy pop sound then you have to go and do it.  There is no shortcut.

One of the keys to getting a homogenous - rich sounding track is to have a synchronized team that is hyper critical - because they have a deep passion for music. Ginny has lived and breathed music all her life - Roberto has spent 25 years developing his craft and approaches music with a deep love for what he does. Yesterday the team saw why Revolver is the best. The technician and owner Walter does it for the pure engagement of music - and that is now rare in this industry - but it is that approach by the team that develops engaging music - not just a "commercial product."
This critical team has debated for hours of a single "White noise" sound on a track. Fought about a single dB of difference in the mix - and then worked as a team to get it just how it's needed.

Ginny and the team are desperate to get pop back to its roots and make it engaging and meaningful - not just an MP3 disposable product cooked up in a bedroom on Garage Band in a few hours. They debate over every single sound that goes into a song - every beat - every pause and every aspect of the vocals that are the star of the music but not at the cost of the music.

The team is extremely proud of the music they are creating - the way it sounds and what it brings back to pop.

This richness can only come from having a record label that understands music and its meaning - combined with a group of enthusiasts that put their heart and souls into what they make. Will it be the next Billboard Number 1? - the amazing thing is that none of the team care. That is not why they do it. They do it for passion - and to bring to even a few fans something that the fans will enjoy and maybe fall in love with.

We really hope that this approach to get POP AT ITS PUREST is appreciated. If you think that this is how music should be made - how it should be cared for - loved - nurtured and grown then all we ask is that you support Ginny by sharing this post - following her on Twitter  or Google Plus or Facebook or Youtube and helping the team get that message out there.

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