Tuesday, 27 December 2016

Here's the simplest way you can here the Uplifting Dance Anthem by Ginny Vee.
It is taking Radio and the Clubs by storm with wide play in House Clubs world-wide and has now got onto the constant play lists of Radio Stations such as CROYDON RADIO in the UK, AMPLITUDE radio in France and VERSILIA radio in Italy.

Support Ginny by sharing her Spotify Links - it's free - just sign in and get playing her tracks. Also follow her and keep supporting her.

Thursday, 15 December 2016

Brand new music Video drop before the worldwide release of the song and YOU can watch it right here

An update dance anthem with crystal clear vocals that will uplift you.

This is the Radio Edit by the legendary Steve Manovski (Give me Your Love with Sigala, John Newman, Nile Rodgers)

watch and share

Monday, 12 December 2016

Yes !! - Just Four Days to go until Ginny Vee launches her Upbeat Dance Anthem "Give Me Dynamite".

Excitement has been building across the industry for this Northern House EDM track with Crystal Clear Vocals and a signature feel by producer Steve Manovski (Sigala - Give me your love featuring John Newman and Nile Rodgers).

The song was snapped up by DISCO:WAX (Sony Music) at the Amsterdam Dance Event where Mind The Floor (Record label) executive Vanni Giorgilli took the track.

The Track will be available across the Globe on Friday 16th December at Midnight and is expected to be on Spotify, Apple Music, Tidal, Deezer, Amazon, iTunes, Google play, Beatport, Soundcloud and a lyric video on YouTube. So whatever your favorite way to grab your music it will be there.

Hear a sample of the track right now at www.ginnyvee.com and join her adventure across social media from her social links right on her webpage.

Come On - 16th December ;)

Monday, 21 November 2016

New Single - Give Me Dynamite - Release Date 16th December

Today Ginny went live to talk about the release of her new single GIVE ME DYNAMITE.

Ginny was live on both Facebook and Periscope

You can see the full Facebook Live feed right HERE

Highlights from the announcements were:

Over 2 Million views of her last single
Over 32 countries and 1 million fans saw the video

New collaboration with SUBSIDE RECORDS and MOVE THE FLOOR
The new single has been arranged by the upcoming star of the dance pop world - Steve Manovski - who's latest hit was with Sigala & John Newman (Give Me your love)

The new song will be released by Sony Music's Disco:wax label from Denmark

The single will be on all major streaming platforms - Spotify - Apple Music - Deezer - Beatport - and all major streaming sites.

The release date for Give Me Dynamite will be 16th December 2016

Head over to Ginny's site to get updates on the launch details or follow her on Twitter or Facebook.

And follow Ginny on SPOTIFY ready for the release: FOLLOW HERE 

Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Insights into breaking into the Music Industry #GINNYVEE

GINNY VEE talks about what it means to be in the music industry:

Ginny >>  You have to get into this industry for pure passion, because it is incredibly hard. There is so much phenomenal competition and every day people give you a thousand reasons to quit give up and "Go and get a real job."

When you get into the music industry you expose your soul to the world - you let people in to your inner secrets - inner fears and inner self. You put yourself up to be knocked down and as Taylor Swift rightly says "haters gonna hate." 

But what sustains you is self belief and then when you start to get positive - encouraging comments - support and fans - it makes everything so much better.

This is not a job - it's a life and unless you are prepared to live music then you might think about doing something else. Because this is 24/7 full on all the time work. It's hard hard hard work - with early morning and late nights. It's stressing over every second of every song you write and record. It's always thinking that what your doing is not good enough.

The hardest part of the music industry is getting into the industry. What I mean by that is getting someone - anyone to listen to you. Because the industry is a business and there are so many people competing to get in - but don't let that discourage you. If you believe enough in yourself then eventually someone will hear you and talk to you.

You have to realize that this is very very hard as a career. No matter what people tell you there is no magic - overnight success in the music industry. You have to hone your craft and get busy - very busy. Then you may get a break and that "busyness" may get noticed by an influential music talent spotter. If that happens then you need to start to work even harder - because that's just the start.

One of the harder parts of being an artist in the music industry is when you have to release a new song - and you will get accolade from some of the fans - and flatness from others - and you will always get people that well.. just don't like it. And they can be very vocal about it. They will criticize the music, the song, the singer, the singing, the clothes in the cover art, the video, the dancers and just about anything else. Well that as an artist is tough to take - but you need to learn to be thick skinned - because that is how you get better. 

Take the criticism and build on it - and remember you can always get better - always improve - always learn - and in the music industry that is essential if you want to survive.

One of the big misconceptions of the industry is that it is one big "party" with rock stars and rap stars and all that good stuff that you read in the tabloids and celeb sites. well the reality is that it's about working hard - preparing - early mornings - late nights - rehearsing - prepping - traveling - and every so often you get to kick back and relax - but that is the exception not the rule.

Anyone wanting to be in this industry must understand it is a professional business and a tough business - so if you don't want to work hard - then go find another profession. 

In 2016 one major aspect of the "music industry" and being a "public figure" or "Celebrity" is the fact you need to be constantly on social media. And trust me that in itself is a full time job - taking selfies - posting updates - behind the scenes on all of the social media. But that is where you really get to meet your fans and interact. But as I'm now touching 100,000 followers across the platforms it is getting harder and harder to stay close - answer and interact every day. It's a balance between social networking and producing new music for the fans.

I love being in the music industry - it's vibrant - alive and for me one of the best times in history to be in this business. Because it is ever changing - literally every day things change and it keeps it exciting.

2016 has been a big year with the release of CINDERELLA BABY which has had millions of views world wide - and it's not over yet as the last quarter of 2016 is going to see some major announcements that I hope my fans will love - support and take me to the next level.




Monday, 1 August 2016

Lessons Learned on TWITTER - get rid of SPAM - This will help you

Some lessons for YOU if you use TWITTER

Okay so today I'm going to do another TWITTER blog.
It's been a few years I've been using it and I went from a few hundred to 60K followers in 3 years - but that doesn't mean it's any use !!!

Yesterday I set about a full process to remove Fake Followers and SPAM accounts from my twitter: In total I removed over 30,000 accounts that i was following.


Followback is not the way to go

When I started twitter I thought I was being nice by trying diligently to follow back every single user that followed me on twitter. As I followed back more I got many more followers - WOW (I thought)

But what I didn't realize at the time was that the majority of those accounts were not following me back because of my tweets - or music or images - They were either marketing profiles or BOTS that were following people that "follow" so they could boost their follower numbers.

A lot of those accounts were dormant - until recently when they woke up and started to spam my timeline to death. I was getting publicity - products - panties - cams - and political propaganda a go-go - but very little MUSIC - in which I was interested.

Although I felt good for having all those follower accounts - the majority do NOT READ MY TWEETS !!! - I was getting about 3000 views per tweet from 60,000 followers - hmmm something not right.

So lesson learned - I follow no one back unless they are someone I'm REALLY interested in.
If an account unfollows me because I don't follow back - then it means they had no real interest in me or my music - so better to let them go.

Lesson 2:

Look at the ratios of Followers to Follows

I've realized that most spam accounts have say ... 30K followers and they follow say 32K accounts - they use tools to follow and unfollow to ensure that ratio stays high.

But think - with 32000 accounts they are following - the chance they see my account tweet is low - the chance they engage is almost ZERO. In fact going through the accounts I saw hundred and thousands that I have never interacted with at ALL.

Here's an example from today of accounts that within 12 hours have seen I'm a recent "unfollower" and have immediately through "Unfollowme" or "Crowdfire" etc reciprocated with an Unfollow.

Look at the ratios - they are as I said above - and these accounts are useless- they have no interest in me - or my posts - or my music - they just play numbers games. 

So as part of my cleanup I'm hoping that as many of these accounts UNFOLLOW me as possible so I clear out their spam and useless follows...

So lesson learned: Don't follow any accounts that are hi K counts and high Ratios - as they will NEVER read or respond to your tweets (and they don't)

Lesson 3

Keep away from the eggs

This is not 100% always right - but 99% of the time - if there is an EGG and a BLUE BLANK header - then don't follow them back - there is a good chance of two things.

1) This is a scripted BOT spam account done just to pump the numbers of a "Buy Followers" service - and those accounts are useless- not real and do not comments - like - share etc - as they are just computer code.

2) The person (if they are real) cannot even be bothered to upload a picture - which shows they engagement with twitter (and you) would be low. Again Do you want people following you and you following them if they don't even get on twitter to upload a picture?

Just stay away from following back EGGS - unless the account interacts with you - and comments - or something else - it is a pure SPAM account

Lesson Learned: Avoid following any Egg accounts

Lesson 4

Following bad accounts damages your account

I believe that having a lot of crappy spam accounts you follow is damaging to your account. Firstly it messes up your timeline and fills the timeline with spam - and you will miss the real tweets you care about.

I think it also impacts the algorithms  in TWITTER and what it suggests - who it suggest - and what it published to your timeline gets completely screwed up.

You may feel good and popular because you got a "free follow back" but it will only damage your timeline - your algorithms and do nothing for getting interaction on your posts.

Lesson 5

Follow For Follow - "Follow or I unfollow"

Any of this in an accounts title is bad news - or in any post - is bad news. I have done this - posting this stuff in my own posts - thinking it helps to get followers. It just attracts SPAM accounts and fishing accounts. They are bad accounts - that attract MORE bad accounts and you will get into the lists of "soft" accounts that spammers and BOTS love. I saw it. My follow requests went through the roof after doing this - and I diligently followed back....

I was either unfollowed in a  week - OR just on a #FF follow for follow account that was pumping numbers. No interaction - no reading my tweets - no listening to my music - no "Conversation"

Lesson 6

Number of followers means NOTHING - Quality means everything

I arrived at 61,000 followers - WOW eh?  -- But I reckon about 30,000 are false - fake - spam accounts. And that is just not good. So that number of 60K accounts is just FLUFF - meaningless.

I've seen that the majority of interaction over time has come from circa 1000 really good accounts that interact- comment - like - repost - post great posts.

I don't care if all of the 30K false accounts unfollow me and my follower count plummets - as it means NOTHING.  They are as bad a buying false accounts (Which you should NEVER EVER DO)

Ask yourself - "Why am I on twitter?" to chase a number or read interesting content I are about - interact with people that are interested in my content?

Chase conversation - not FOLLOWER numbers - Quality not QUANTITY

Lesson 7

Interaction is everything

Getting the conversation going is what I think is important - posting my links a few times a day is my "business" so I will do it - but I get more satisfaction when I comment on news - links - posts and a conversation comes up. This is what makes Twitter interesting.

So interact - as the best new followers I've gained are people that have joined the conversation.

I will post my links - pictures - songs - but I interact a lot more now and it gets much better followers.
And ONLY if I find their conversation interesting or relevant will I follow back.
If I see spam - or suspect posts / behavior - I will unfollow immediately.

Lesson 8


The last 24 hours and removing all my spam accounts has been refreshing.  My timeline is clean and full of great stuff I really care about.
My message box has stopped being hit by spam.
The spam accounts are unfollowing me by the hundreds and GOOD RIDDANCE

My Twitter account is coming back to me - not to the Bots - not to useless accounts posting tweets about offers on watches (which I care nothing about)

Best not to take spam accounts on int h first place - but if you have lost off Eggs - lots of Spamming accounts that repost offers on stores you don't care about - then unfollow straight away.

If you don't like me or my music or my videos... then UNFOLLOW ME !!!
I don't want to post tweets you hate on your timeline - it's better for you and better for me - and I won't be offended. But it will keep both our Twitter accounts clean and  fun.


If I UFOLLOWED YOU - then just tweet to me and I will look at your account - look at your recent tweets and decide if I want to hear what you have to say. If it's relevant - if it's offensive to me etc etc and then I will gladly add you back in if you are someone I genuinely want to follow and want you to follow me.

Hope this helped


Tuesday, 12 July 2016


One of the hardest things in the music industry is to get going at the start of your career.
There is a huge amount of competition and the music industry has limited bandwidth to see all new music artists.

Ginny has come up with a great HASHTAG

#HelpNewMusicArtists - and the idea is to use this hashtag across social media to rate awareness of the need for support. If you find a new band, new singer, new music artist that you think needs support then share their posts adding the #HelpNewMusicArtists.

The more support bands, singers, songwriters get - the better. The major labels can use this HashTag to look for new talent that people think deserves looking at.

It can be used to help with sharing their streaming music, iTunes or websites. Anywhere so that new artists can get noticed.

New Artists should also use this in all of their promo social media.

Who knows it may help someone to get noticed !

Friday, 1 July 2016

Happy Birthday Ginny Vee

Saying a very BIG happy birthday to Ginny - send her some Love 

Tuesday, 17 May 2016


Cinderella Baby is Ginny's most successful launch to date.


#ginnyvee #music #popmusic #musicvideos #redhead #femalesinger #celebritygossip #newmusic #record #label #producers #dj #radio #radioplay #mtv #vh1 #popsinger #astarmadebyyou #newsingle #single #warner #sony #rca ##emi #capitol #ca

pistol #records #vide #vimeo #youtube #views #facebook #social 

Thursday, 28 April 2016

Cinderella Baby - Great response

Team Ginny Vee has been thrilled with the response so far to the hit new music video Cinderella Baby.

On Facebook it is just coming up to the half million views mark...

Plus the video has now been broadcast across most major web sites and music sites with over 35,000 views across major networks. Important networks like MTV and VH1 have been sharing Ginny.

It's never easy for such light "pop" to get accolades but the team is thrilled that Beats100 decided to give the song a Bronze music award. And the team hopes it will be one of many.

For a small independent song made by a small independent group we have been thrilled by the reaction so far, with an overwhelmingly positive response, and a huge amount of positive vibe. The team just learned that the video also just went up on to the VEVO channel.

YouTube has never ben a strong platform for Ginny (yet) but it is always nice to see that VEVO logo on the video - it somehow makes it a legitimate pop song. 
In great part this success has been down to Ginny's growing fan base that have done an amazing job of sharing, liking and tolerating all the posts. With over 21K on Facebook, 56K on Twitter and a total of nearly 100K fans across all social networks Ginny's friends, fans and followers have been a huge part of driving the success of this first major video and single release. 

In 2016 the music industry is really tough. And remember the Ginny Vee project started 3 years ago as part of a social experiment A Star Made By You - which was designed to see if by purely the power of social media we could take a relatively unknown and project her into the limelight. I think as we approach the half million mark for views - we can safely say we are well on our way.

PLEASE keep supporting - sharing and following.

The Ginny nee Team


Saturday, 23 April 2016

CINDERELLA BABY - Blows it away !!!!

CINDERELLA BABY - the amazing new song by Ginny Vee has blown it away becoming an instant smash hit on Facebook.

The Music Video release was focused on +Facebook which is unusual for a music video that would normally premier on +Vevo - but this independent artist decide - to do things differently.


"VEVO and +YouTube are crowded for independent musicians," said Ginny. "It's so hard to get any traction or views. Unless you have +Sony Music Entertainment or +Warner Music Italy behind you - you just won't get any airplay. And it is hard to get noticed. But with the huge social following I have on Facebook I was able to leverage all my followers to get maximal shares."

The post with the video was seen over half a million times within the first 24 hours and clocked up an incredible 160,000 video views (at the last count).

But it is still growing and picking up speed. 

"So what? That's not the millions of views by +Ariana Grande` or +Katy Perry is it?"

You have to put this entire feat into perspective - as Ginny Vee is one of the growing group of truly independent artists. She has written the song, recorded it under her own steam with her small team in Rome, rented studio time, worked on the music video - arranging it herself... she has done almost everything - which is a little different that the current megastars with the major record labels behind them. 

What is new about Cinderella baby is the massively high production that has been created by a small independent artist from Rome in Italy. Watch it. It stands up there with anything from the major record labels in terms of visual impact.  It just shows that as technology prices tumble this kind of high production becomes available to more and more artists. 

The song is a European version of KPOP - what people are now dubbing EPOP. Bright, vibrant and doesn't take itself too seriously. Ginny Vee seems to be the immediate princess of EPOP as she ploughs a new path for European music that has an instantaneous global appeal.

"I'm thrilled it's going so well," Ginny said. "It's down to the power of social media. My friends, followers and fans are helping me by sharing across Facebook and +Twitter. It is them that I do this for and they are really helping me. I can't thank them enough."

So when will the single be released?

The video is the "antipasto" from the Italian - and she says that depending on how much request there is she will make the song available on her website www.ginnyvee.com for Free in the coming weeks.

So keep watching - keep sharing and maybe Ginny will drop that single really soon.

Sunday, 28 February 2016

Is Pop Turning Its Back On Europe and America

Guest Article by Tim Jones of "The Music Pulse"

Is Pop Turning Its Back On Europe and America?

When thinking of the Icons of pop you immediately think of the two dominant super markets  - The United Sates and The United Kingdom. Both have spawned some of the greatest sounds and trends to hit musical history. From The Beatles to Pink Floyd, from Johnny Cash to Elvis. Name any of the world's greatest singers or bands, and history will point to the US, the UK and of course Ireland.

These musical juggernauts for years have set the trends in pop, rock, metal, grunge and who could forget punk. But roll forwards to 2016 and you need to start to ask - has that music machine started to lose steam. Hotbeds of innovation that have seen generations of music fans have started to slow down. The advent of the digital age has turned the once lucrative money machine of music upside down. Streaming and digital downloads now account for a vast slice of the music pie, and the revenues just don't seem to be sustainable for the old music model.

"Young and upcoming music stars are having to take matters into their own hands"

Young and upcoming music stars are having to take matters into their own hands, as the age of digital dominance starts to sing with its full voice. The big names like Sony, EMI, Warner are starting to lose their grip on the industry as independent record production becomes easier and cheaper. With no barrier to distribution, there is no need for the big company machine any more. Spotify, Apple and YouTube have turned the tables and the power has slowly shifted to the artist.

Consumption of music has changed beyond all recognition. Once a trip to the local record store was an event. Thumbing the vinyl or CD cases was an engaging part of the music experience and the consumer was an integral part of the music event. Now with a simple click of a button on a mouse, a listener can get access to every artist, any single, any album. It's no longer about music ownership, as the relationship can be just a fleeting stream, with little to no absorption of the artist.
The new generation votes by clicks, not by purchase power and that makes things so very different.

You need to map onto this trend the shift in global and economic power. Money and culture are moving East to Asia. While Europe and America cling to their image of pop, rap, and even country - the new consumers of the East are dancing to very different tunes. K-pop, J-pop, P-pop are a few of the bright and emerging trends that are sweeping from the East to the West.
The world found out about K-Pop in dramatic style when music sensation PSY danced onto the scene with Gangnam Style. He set a new incredible standard of YouTube hits and sent the west into a tailspin musically. A non English song was more popular than most of the US and UK artists combined. The vast size of the Asian audience that got behind PSY was mind bending and this was the power that shot PSY to fame and exposed many people in the west to this incredibly well produced, well manipulated K-Pop phenomenon. But this has just been a taste of what is to come. Wave after wave of young K-Pop stars are raking in multi millions of dollars as the Korean music industry starts to become a major player in the world of music. Consumed by China and AESEAN block, with a seemingly unbending appetite for this cool, new and vibrant music. High gloss, high production and incredibly catchy. 

"Compared to the vibrance and experimental feel of K-pop and J-pop, it feels already dated."

The US and UK still creates the mega stars like Justin Bieber, Ariana Grande, Adele, Katy Perry and the iconic Lady Gaga. The RnB scene still pumps out hit after hit with Rihanna and Beyonce. But compared to the vibrance and experimental feel of K-pop and J-pop ,it feels already dated.

If you traverse "the pond" from the US and you come to Europe, then your journey all but ends once you hit the English Channel. Euro-pop seems to be a rather niche market in the global scale of things. Of course much of the cutting edge EDM is coming from the continent and traveling via Ibiza before hitting Soundcloud, where it racks up large counts. But if we look to mainstream pop music, the engine of revenues for the music companies, continental Europe is a quaint little old place. 

France has currently a string of small hits, but it's not a global "shake them by the throat" impact. It's a very sort of well, French approach. Italy continues to make its quirky lyrical Euro efforts, but it's really only for Italians and the Italian Expats. Beyond that what is the thriving global pulse coming out of Europe? You add to that a depressed market, cost compression, under investment in the music industry, and well the future is starting to look a little bleak for emerging artists coming from the West.

But hold on, all is not lost just yet.

Like much of the Eastern culture based on Western culture, it feels, well a little less refined. It seems to miss some of the finesse that the US and UK pop groups bring: The polish, the completeness of the sound and the visuals. There's just something grounded in the western music markets that is hard to imitate. And that is where some of the smarter artists are starting to realize there is a massive business opportunity.

If you are grinding out your creative passion in Europe and your home market is just not investing; yet there is appetite for your dynamic new music -  and the East is willing to invest. Then why not combine the best of both worlds. Tap into the dynamic, lucrative Asian markets and production - but bring a touch of Western "know how" and culture to it.
That is exactly what a raft of new pop artists such as female vocalist Ginny Vee are doing.

She has already turned her back on her home Italian music market. A native of Tuscany, schooled in LA and recording in both Italy and the UK, she has no interest to release anything in the Italian market. Her management team has decided that for now "Europe is dead."

"It's typical old school," explains Steve Bell the manager of Ginny Vee and founder of Edison Music Group. "The European market wants safe, same old same old. They focus too much on the bankable old talent. Italy is a perfect example. They spend inordinate amounts of effort propping up old stars like Eros Ramazzotti and other artists that have a quirky Italian appeal. They rely on low risk bankability. There have been some glimmers of hope, exciting young bands. But the labels just don't want to take a risk on enough of them. It's typical of the European music industry. It's full of cronyism and it's all about who you know and pre made deals; safety. That stifles creativity and holds back the music industry. I decided from day one that Ginny needed to be out of that old style system."

In 2014 Mr Bell founded Edison Music Group, a completely digital label that produces Ginny, and hopefully will attract other talent in Europe. Edison is focused on digital and social media where it uses the power of the internet to gain interest in the artists.

"The future is working with innovators in the far East."

"The future is working with innovators in the far East. Record labels that want to create something new. Taking western music, culture, passion and (above all) quality to the East is just logical. They love stars out of the US and UK, so why not take those early stars to them and work with them to create them in their exploding markets? Western looks and sound just stand out in those markets. Ginny is different there, she is exotic."

The premise has sense. You take an exciting upcoming pop singer like Ginny Vee and work in the Asian market to grow her. And why not? The fan base is staggeringly huge. The appetite for untapped western talent is vast. If the plan pays off ,Ginny Vee will be a prototype as part of  an exciting new music industry model that will hopefully bring a much needed new twist.

"We will bring Ginny back to Europe. But once she is big and successful in Asia. We are not going to fight the political system here, work through the slow style that thrives in Europe. We are going to grow Ginny in Asia, get her an even bigger fanbase than she has now. And then re-import her back into Europe; maybe even Italy. But only when the time is right."

This echoes so much of the shift that was seen in the motor industry. Western car makers let the innovation and talent drift East. It took a while but Asia now dominates the motor industry, owns many of the old school European brands and, makes incredibly good product. Is the same shift happening in the music industry? Will we in the west be importing stunning talent that was born in Europe but grown in Asia? It seems far fetched but all industries seem to be heading this way.

It seems a travesty that young, hot talent must go to Asia to create music that has its routes in the West. But just look at the numbers and where the investment is - it makes utter sense. This new breed of star will be an interesting test case. Like most products now, even the musicians will have stamped on them "Made in Asia". It has worked flawlessly for so many businesses, so why would it not work for the Music Industry. 
One major upside could be that by working in this exciting and vibrant new market, musicians will be able to absorb some of the core elements of the K-pop and J-pop phenomenon. Maybe this new "fusion" of East and West could provide a recipe for something very new and interesting. The lure of the East is without doubt making more and more young pop hopefuls leave their roots and head to the growing pop capitals of Asia.

"Does this spell the end for the western music machine?"

Does this spell the end for the western music machine? Probably not. The large labels will sooner or later work out that this is a viable business model and potentially a schooling ground for much of the west's talent. But I'm sure in the meantime they will keep pumping out mega artists that dominate the US and UK charts (which in the scale of things are actually quite small). The US will keep rolling along with its ever hungry Rap and HipHop scene, while the UK will undoubtably keep pumping out that ever so British pop sound. But maybe just around the corner will be a raft of new stars that will swarm back from Asia with a distinctly western influence, and who knows, maybe something interesting from the orient that will infuse the next generation of music. I am optimistic that a fusion of cultures could produce something quite extraordinary.

All rights reserved The Music Pulse

Saturday, 13 February 2016

Music Celebrity News: Pop At Its Purest Interview with Ginny Vee

(copied with kind permission of MCN)
There are many upcoming artists in the world of pop. The old school way of A&R finding new talent and the mega labels creating the next pop starlet seems to be dwindling. More and more artists are choosing the independent record label route and with the power of online streaming, distribution and social media – the recording industry is undergoing a revolution. At Music Celebrity News, we actually think that can only be a good thing. This new freedom means that the taste is not made by a small group of A&R men that inflict their personal taste on the world – but it becomes a meritocracy where the fans get to pick and choose their new pop stars based on what they output.

One of the growing success stories of this new media model is the pop bombshell GINNY VEE. Fiercely independent, striking to look at and guess what – she is actually talented. This “freedom of independence” allows Ginny to control nearly all of the creative experience, and maybe that is why she is not the usual cookie cutter pop queen. She joins a growing number of major artists that have taken control of their own destiny. Sugh as the undisputed queen of pop KATY PERRY; A pop superstar that has created her own independent record label – METAMORPHOSIS MUSIC as reported in Rolling Stone Magazine. LINK 
Katy is also creating  parallel industry push for the more independent artists with events such as THE CREATORS LINK

This all feels like the increasing power of the artist driven by technology that allows the break from the grasp of the big labels such as SONY MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT, WARNER MUSIC GROUP, UNIVERSAL MUSIC GROUP and their affiliated record labels. GINNY VEE appears to be the next artist taking the wheel and driving her agenda in the music industry.

We caught up with GINNY in London as she geared up for the promotion of her upcoming single.

MCN: Hi Ginny and thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to talk with us today. We’re going to jump right in. What do you love most about what you do?

GINNY: Hi and thank you for the time today. Wow that is a big warm up question. I guess you asked the "most" - so if I had to pick one thing that I love doing "the most" it would be performing my music live with a crowd.

MCN: Interesting. That strikes fear into many singers. Why do you like that the most?

GINNY: There’s an energy in live performance that you just cannot get when you’re in the studio. You react to the crowd, sing to the crowd and it has a totally different meaning, and that I think, comes across in the music.

MCN: You’re renowned for you're your live singing voice, which some artists get criticized about. Do you think that’s what makes you interesting?

GINNY: I think it’s important. I think it’s how you stay true to your fans. With modern technology such as Melodyne or Autotune you can take anyone, have them sing badly, run it through Melodyne and they can sound great. So the studio can create a false ability. Singing live on stage, with no playback is where you see if an artist can sing. It's the moment of truth.

MCN: Do you use Melodyne at all?

GINNY: The studio engineers today all add some Melodyne. Some of the transitions in modern music for a studio sound just need it. But I don’t like it, and on the few occasions they want to add it, more as an effect, I don’t like it. In fact I’ve often told them to take it off as I think it ruins the true sound. Errors in the singing are part of the richness of a singer.

MCN: We know you’re just starting off but what’s the biggest crowds you’ve played to.

GINNY: I’ve been fortunate earlier in my career that I was part of several big radio tours. The advantage for an artist is that you get to play in front of big crowds on major sets and stages. I’ve performed in front of ten to fifteen thousand people.

MCN: And is that more scary or less scary than a small crowd?

GINNY: I think it’s less scary. You are less intimate and any mistakes you make seem to get noticed less. When I’ve done small unplugged sessions in small venues with twenty people, when you hit a bad note you can see it in their eyes. And trust me, nearly everyone hits a bad note if you’re doing a difficult live set.

MCN: Where would you love to play live?

GINNY: I think one of the major stadiums would be a dream. Having thirty plus thousand people at one of my concerts would be amazing. I think it would bring an awesome amount of energy.

MCN: You have the tag line Pop at its purest. What does that mean?

GINNY: I sing all kinds of music, and love singing all kinds from Celine Dion to Johnny Cash. But My own music, today, is absolutely pop. Myself and the creative team that work with me are trying to get pop a little bit back to its roots. Less use of plug ins, more real instruments on the track, less effects on the voice, less edits. It’s a sort of homage back to when people really got into the music and engaged with a song. I think pop music was at its purest and zenith in the 80’s. So there is a big influence in the sound of the music from that golden era. In fact all of the synths used in the tracks are original 80’s synths and even the drum kit. I didn’t want loops in the track as I think they sound synthetic. So I hope we get back to some of the purity of pop.

MCN: You’re working with Edison Music Group, an independent label. Why?

GINNY: I think the industry is undergoing a major tectonic shift right now. In the past the labels controlled distribution so they were the channel for an artist.  Like most industries the development of online distribution and streaming has changed that landscape. Apple Music, Spotify and Deezer allow an artist direct access to distribution, but that comes at a “low” price. If you want to hear some of my music you can easily get it at Spotify, or iTunes with one click. That parallel distribution channel has made it easier for artists like me to get my music out; but the rewards are less.

MCN: Does that give you more artistic freedom.

GINNY: Absolutely. I write the songs, the lyrics and I have a totally hands on approach with my creative team from the early draft of the song right through to the final mastering. I think that is something pretty new. Technology has played a large part in that too as the entire process gets cheaper and more accessible.

MCN: But does that not just flood the market with low quality. Soundcloud is full of really bad music. Right?

GINNY: The opening up of the industry to more people can only be a good thing. I wonder how many great artists the world has missed in history just because the right A&R person did not discover them. Maybe this way more great musicians will be found. The challenge for any artist is cutting through the noise. But I believe good music will get discovered.

MCN: What are you currently working on?

GINNY: I am right at the end of preparing for the release of a new song – CINDERELLA BABY.

MCN: What’s the song like?

GINNY: It’s a full on, high tempo pop song. It’s the story of Cinderella done in a completely new way. It’s really meant to be a lot of fun.

MCN: Are you shooting a video?

GINNY: I think today it’s hard to launch a song without a video. It’s become an essential part of the music experience. We’ve made a great video that was really demanding to shoot but good fun.

MCN: When will you release the new song and video?

GINNY: The date is not set yet, but I hope it will be in sometime in March. The song will be great for summer parties so that’s the plan.

MCN: Then what?

GINNY: Again there’s a major change in the industry and I have a lot of interest from the Middle East and Far East for my music. I do a lot of social media and most of my fans come from outside of Europe and the USA. I think they are growing and important markets, and the fans are just amazing. They get so involved, it’s great. So I think I’m going to do something in Asia next.

MCN: Are you going to jump from pop star to pop megastar?

GINNY: I want as many people as possible to love my music and love what I do. I’m so happy with where I’ve got to so fast, but I’m ambitious. If I could get to a bigger audience I would love it.

MCN: Are you the next Katy Perry, Ariana Grande, Selena Gomez or more Lady GaGa?

GINNY: I get asked that a lot, and I really don’t think in that way. I do not try to be like anyone. I care about being original, with my own style of music, own way of doing things, look and image. They are all highly successful female artists. Do I think I can get to their status in the music industry? Absolutely. I’m not shy about setting lofty goals, and this is a tough industry. If I don’t believe I can do it, then I'm sure no one else will believe for me.

MCN: You already have a large fan base on social media. Do you think it’s important to use Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

GINNY: It’s one of the most rewarding parts of what I do. It gives instant feedback (good and bad). But it allows me to connect directly with the fans, who so far have been amazing. Many of the fans on my social networks have been with me since the start and have done nothing but encourage me. They are living the journey with me and I can’t thank them enough for that. At the end of the day I do this for the fans. So being able to be with them, share with them every day is amazing and social media allows that direct connection.

MCN: Are you working on an album?

GINNY: That in my mind is changing. I see more and more that albums are becoming an older concept. I think music is becoming an evolution journey, where an artist evolves with each piece. I know Adele has had huge success releasing 25. But I think that will become more rare. The ability to pick and choose songs from an album starts to eliminate the purpose of what an album was. For now I’m just going to release singles, but that might change. If there's one thing the music industry has shown me - you need to stay flexible as change is happening fast.

MCN: Ginny. Our time is almost up and I know you have to run. So just a huge thank you from Music Celebrity News and good luck with the launch of CINDERELLA BABY.


Tuesday, 9 February 2016

ReMastered : HONEY now online

As a quick bonus Ginny has put up a newly remastered version of HONEY onto #soundcloud

If you have a few minutes we highly suggest you go check out some of Ginny's original music and some of her covers.

#new #music #pop #edm  #dance #ginnyvee #female #artist #soundcloud #streaming