Monday, 22 June 2015

Edison Music Group

So very quietly last week - with no fanfare - no press releases Ginny Vee moved over to

Edison Music Group.  (and that's about all we can say on that)

This is a music label with a heritage name but a future outlook into the digital age. You may have heard of the name Edison - the inventor of the record and once upon a time there was one of the first every record companies - 

Well the name lives on in Edison Music Group. And they promise to be focused on emerging artists that show strength in digital distribution and have a large online fan base. They have promised to take artists and "build them slowly for the long term". 

Other than these scant details the A Star Made by You team can't really say any more. But we will keep you up to date on this blog as we are allowed to release details ;)

#recordlabel #edison #musicgroup #news #ginnyvee #musicartists

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Few Ginny Vee Updates

It's been a long road for the team working with Ginny Vee - but we are finally getting there - through hard work and a ton of #social media work.

The #astarmadebyyou team was convinced that they could take a relatively unknown and get her to stardom through the power of #socialmedia :

#Twitter - she has hit nearly 27,000 followers

#Facebook - is over 15,000

#google+ - is over 400 - with nearly 500,000 views

#Instagram - over 400

#YouTube - 200 channel subscribers with nearly 12,000 views of her content

#Soundcloud - over 31,000 plays / 160 downloads

Across all social media outlets she now has 50,000 Genuine followers.

Are those numbers impressive-- well actually yes - because they are GENUINE. Most people will use click through bots to raise numbers artificially - but Ginny hasn't done that - she has a group of genuine followers and friends that support her, comment, and really interact. THANK YOU if you are one of them.
As she hit 50,000 followers the team upgraded the #webdesign of her site to a new simpler - bolder design that is focused on music - video - photos and Social.

If you haven't been there yet - then please go and check it out.

Through the use of #social media we have been able to get a lot of interest in Ginny's work - and that has paid off. She is now working with renowned producer Brian Martin, and recording at the Horizontal Music Studios near Bristol. Working on her new album that is set for release in 2016.

This collaboration with a leading UK studio has had a dramatic impact on Ginny's style vocally and musically - and well - You will love the results.

The #astarmadebyyou team now has a lot of work ahead of it to help Ginny to get to the next milestone of 100K plus followers - and we need your help. We need you to help to share Ginny's posts (retweet, share, like, comment, +1) and help to encourage all your contacts to come and visit Ginny.

Thanks for helping