Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Preparing for a huge 2016

Ginny Vee has been busy in 2015 - with a huge amount of studio work, public appearances, trips to the UK, Germany and special guest appearances in several press articles. Plus releasing several videos on her youtube channel and writing even more great music.

All of this has been in preparation for an explosive 2016. Her new song CINDERELLA BABY has been announced and over the Holiday Period Ginny is hard at work preparing for the music video to accompany the new single. This is a huge production and there is a ton of hard working going on behind the scenes for costumes, makeup, locations and two separate film crews in 4 locations.

With each song comes a new look, and Ginny is also busy with a new photo shoot for the upcoming release - along with significant changes to her website where you can start to get a feel for the color behind CINDERELLA BABY

As you may or may not know - this website holds a secret page that you can access via a password. The password you can get by signing up. WHY?

The secret page is only for Ginny's closest fans. And here she is releasing any news at least 1 week ahead of any public release. She is offering exclusives like STEMS - which are the individual track elements of her songs so that DJs can create high quality original remixes like this amazing remix (Fallen Angel Remix) of Heaven n Back.

Ginny will release more exclusives, with give aways, news, lyrics and first sound bites of the song plus behind the scenes of the music studio, and video shoot. So if you want to be the first then go sign up.

Signing up also gets you on Ginny's exclusive mailing list - you will get regular newsletters of upcoming events and personal messages direct from Ginny. So Sign Up today.


We also want to give a small update on what's going on at +Twitter +Facebook and +Instagram 

Ginny's fan base continues to grow and she is posting more and more exclusives on each of these platforms. You often won't get the same content on each platform - so it helps if you go and follow her on each platform. It's also one of the best ways to interact directly with Ginny through comments, tweets and messaging.

She has climbed now to over 50,000 followers on Twitter alone and is approaching 100,000 followers across all of her platforms. As you can imagine it's getting tough for Ginny to answer every single message - but she tries. We suggest you get on now while she is still able to talk with everyone. Be nice and she might also add you to her personal Facebook profile.


So 2016 is going to start with a BANG as January she will release CINDERELLA BABY the single - and then the music video a few weeks after - before heading off on the first leg of her promotional tour across Asia. She also has venues booked for India (Mumbia) for an exclusive one night only event by special request.
Then her next single will be hot on its heels among multiple press interviews, promotional TV appearances and many more exciting things. WOW!

2016 is going to be big for Ginny and her fans. So thanks for always supporting her and continuing to support her in 2016 and beyond.

Saturday, 5 December 2015

Instagram with Ginny Vee

This month Ginny will be focused on Instagram. So Follow her here as she will be placing exclusive behind the scenes images, clip and maybe a competition or two.


Just click here or follow on IG: ginnyveemusic

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Official Video is released

We are pleased to announce that the OFFICIAL cut of Heaven n Back is released and up on +YouTube  and +Vevo

You can try either link here - Enjoy and please share and subscribe - it helps Ginny A LOT



The footage for this video was shot in 2014 - but the edit and after effects has been done just this month. We decided to release this as Ginny will be performing an upcoming PR tour in Asia and we thought having a video would be cool. It is something for her fans to enjoy while se is recording her new single and preparing for a new video.

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

How to get the most out of Twitter in 2015

One of the most common topics that Ginny Vee ( gets asked is "So how are you so successful on +Twitter "

Ginny Vee has over 50,000 #followers now on Twitter and has a hugely active following. She often gets followed by new users of Twitter and they message asking "How can I get more followers? How can I get more interaction."

This is especially important for Music artists like Ginny.

Here Ginny Explains the Secrets of her Twitter.  @ginnyveemusic


Twitter is an unusual type f social media, but it's really important - that and +Facebook - especially if you are a music artist that wants to engage with fans. But it's also a great part of social media for anyone. What's hard about any social media is actually getting going - as when you start you have a small social network.

Starting Out

One of the most important things to do before you get going on Twitter is to create a clear and catchy PROFILE PICTURE. This is what people will see when they see your ICON and it influences a lot of people to click on you and check you out. If you just have the colored background and egg #icon most people with think you are a Twitter Newbie and skip right by you. People are visual on Twitter.

Next make a banner - any banner - but try and grab something interesting that speaks about what you are really interested in. If it's #football then add a football image - if it's +apple then add an apple image - whatever it is don't leave the colored band or people will skip you.

Make sure you set a good name for your profile. If you're a fan of Ginny Vee then call yourself GINNY VEE FANS (already exists by the way). Don't put phone numbers or emails - again people will think you are a newbie or worse a spam account and you will be ignored.

This is obviously a new account-- if you leave it like this you will always look like a new account (Go Follow them and show them some love).

Make sure your profile description says something interesting -- tell people all about you - at least what you are interested in. This will impact if people follow you back or not.

Get Following

Twitter has strict limits on how many people you can follow initially, and that is a ratio of Followers to Followed. Cross that limit and you can't add more people.
The biggest mistake people make is to follow only MEGA accounts such as +Ariana Grande` or follow just small accounts with only one other follower. 

On the big accounts your replies - Tweets or messages will be lost in the other 30 Million followers all screaming for attention.

On the small accounts they will Retweet you to 2 people - who may not see it on their Timeline.

Follow the big names you really  love to get their updates, Follow your friends that you know and then use some of your 1000+ follows strategically to follow medium sized accounts between 10,000 and 100,000 followers -- why?

Well they will still be able to read messages, see tweets and retweets - and they will be able to interact. BUT if you make a cool tweet and they see it - they could RETWEET and that means 40,000 people will see your cool tweet. 

Also try to Follow people that have interests that you like. If you hate +PopMusic then don't follow pop music people or your timeline will have pop posts all day.
If you like +Grand Theft Auto V GTA 5 then go follow people that like that or have user names similar. To find out who use the SEARCH function for keywords or for names.

You need to Follow and be Followed to have any fun on Twitter. But don't spam. Or churn.
Churning is Following and then Unfollowing - people HATE IT and Twitter can ban you for it. So follow people you really like - and do not Follow Churn.

Also use your email contacts address book - you will be surprised how many Twitter users you already know !! Use this option in Twitter to get a close group of Followers.


The twitter name is really important as it can direct a tweet at someone. So for example you want to appear on my timeline then do a new tweet and add at the beginning @ginnyveemusic to the tweet. this will tag me and put it on my timeline so I have a better chance of seeing it. It will also notify me (via Notifications) that someone tweeted to me. 

This is a great example of someone getting in my notifications by tagging me with @ginnyveemusic. And see I acknowledge with a Favorite. And I added her back. She clearly likes +music so I added her. Easy.

Remember mega names may never see your tweet to them -- but you can try.


So some words can be important in your tweet - and you can highlight them with a hashtag. Hashtags can trend - and people will search for them - so adding #ginnyvee to a post will tag that word. Anyone searching #ginnyvee would maybe find the tweet in a list of all tweets using that word. It's important - so if you want to find people interested in MUSIC - search for #music with a hashtag - and you will find them easier.

Pictures speak a thousand words

Want to get noticed? Add a nice picture - a RELEVANT picture - or a saying in a picture...

Bright pictures grab attention and people grab even more attention. If you send naked or vulgar pictures then people will BLOCK you or REPORT you and your account will get suspended.

Add a picture, @name an account #tag some words and even TAG the person in a picture - and your tweet stands a better chance of being seen among the hundreds of tweets passing every hour.


In the early days, Retweeting gets you noticed, drives content and can get you seen. But be selective - don't do the Retweet drive.. i.e. retweet every thing you see on your timeline. It upsets people - and looks like spam. The idea of Twitter is to drive content that people like, or care about or want to reshape (because it's funny, or meaningful). But retweet - it's important.

If you like something but don't want to retweet it, then FAVORITE it and show your appreciation. It gets a notification and adds you to the list of people that liked it.


There is no hard and fast rule about how often you tweet. And it depend what you tweet. if it is just the same thing 100 times and hour - people will UNFOLLOW you fast. So tweet with passion and space your tweets so it is not the "YOU" show that might upset people.

Try to reply to tweets as well - the interaction is very important and it also gets people to reply to your tweets.


Okay the above are some basic things to do -- here are some things I suggest you DO NOT do on twitter. 

Firstly - Twitter is not a Dating site. If people follow you it does not mean they want to date you. This needs to be clear. if you want to date, sex cam etc go to an adult site. You will get blocked and reported very fast if you do this. But more important you do NOT know the age of the recipient - and many Twitter users are underage and you could be committing a criminal act. Do Not sex message or send naked pictures. It is also highly offensive.

Do Not harass people -- twitter has clear terms of service on Harassing people and you will get banned. Besides - add positive energy to the world if you can.

Do Not believe much of what you read- Twitter is full of BOTS, SPAMMERS and Fraudsters - so BEWARE and read everything with caution. If in doubt - don't respond.

Do Not give out personal numbers or details (for all of the above reasons.) There are many scammers that try to get email - phone numbers - pets names-- why - Phishing !!!!

Do Not buy Followers. They are useless fake accounts with no value, no interaction and will just waste your money. Also Twitter frowns upon this and can ban your account-- Get REAL FOLLOWERS by spending the time - following the right people, interacting and being creative - posting great content.

Do Not be nasty -- it may seem easy to do at a distance - but you will just get blocked. Most people do not want drama, they want to read your tweets - follow what you do and what you find interesting. The minute you are offensive -- it's over for you on Twitter.


It has taken me nearly 2 years and a lot of interaction and hard work to get to 43,000 followers -- and it will not happen over night. But when you get followers going, Twitter can be really great fun - and interesting and if like me - a POP SINGER - it can allow you to get really close - real time interaction with fans and music lovers.

Hope you find this useful and Follow me on twitter at @ginnyveemusic and I will Follow you back.

Kisses Ginny 

Saturday, 17 October 2015

Heaven n Back Music Video coming soon

The Ginny Vee team is thrilled to announce that a brand new edit of the music video Heaven n Back is nearing completion and we are thrilled at the result. We think you will be too.

The video will be released first - exclusively on the secret page of Ginny's new website

To gain access you need to go to the bottom of the page - submit your email and get the all important password. With that password you can then access the "Secret" part of Ginny's site where all exclusives, new images, behind the scenes and more can be found.

The video will be available on the site a week before general release on +YouTube and +Vevo

Head over to her site now and get a bonus exclusive image that is only on the secret site.

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

New video edit coming soon

Quick heads up -- Ginny has been asked to re-release her HEAVEN n BACK video with a new cut -- so it's nearly done.

Watch this space as it will be here soon

Make sure you get all the latest inside stories by clicking on the "SECRET" section of Ginny' website Already over 500 subscribers have signed up to get access to the secret section - check out the contact section to find out how to get access.

Watch this space for news of the new video...

Monday, 5 October 2015

YOUTUBE support

Ginny is extremely busy at the minute working on a new "Unplugged" set for a small live tour.
She is also deep into the new songs for upcoming release.

She is also remixing some of her earlier work and re-editing some video material.

Much of what she will be doing will be uploaded to her YOUTUBE CHANNEL and she really needs your support.

She's asking everyone to go and SUBSCRIBE on her channel here
Subscribe to Ginny Vee on Youtube here

This will keep you up to date as she releases exclusive behind the scenes interviews, updates, sessions in the studio and the whole preparation of her upcoming 2016 tour.

PLEASE subscribe and share the link to help and support Ginny.

Monday, 28 September 2015

New things coming soon

Been a while since we gave any updates - as we have been so busy preparing for a packed 2016. Ginny has been working on new tracks for the album plus we have been shooting a whole new set of incredible images go Ginny - the first two of which can be found all over her profiles for +Twitter +facebook +google and host of other social media sites.

We promise to start adding some more information - and of course some of the stunning new images.

Monday, 22 June 2015

Edison Music Group

So very quietly last week - with no fanfare - no press releases Ginny Vee moved over to

Edison Music Group.  (and that's about all we can say on that)

This is a music label with a heritage name but a future outlook into the digital age. You may have heard of the name Edison - the inventor of the record and once upon a time there was one of the first every record companies - 

Well the name lives on in Edison Music Group. And they promise to be focused on emerging artists that show strength in digital distribution and have a large online fan base. They have promised to take artists and "build them slowly for the long term". 

Other than these scant details the A Star Made by You team can't really say any more. But we will keep you up to date on this blog as we are allowed to release details ;)

#recordlabel #edison #musicgroup #news #ginnyvee #musicartists

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Few Ginny Vee Updates

It's been a long road for the team working with Ginny Vee - but we are finally getting there - through hard work and a ton of #social media work.

The #astarmadebyyou team was convinced that they could take a relatively unknown and get her to stardom through the power of #socialmedia :

#Twitter - she has hit nearly 27,000 followers

#Facebook - is over 15,000

#google+ - is over 400 - with nearly 500,000 views

#Instagram - over 400

#YouTube - 200 channel subscribers with nearly 12,000 views of her content

#Soundcloud - over 31,000 plays / 160 downloads

Across all social media outlets she now has 50,000 Genuine followers.

Are those numbers impressive-- well actually yes - because they are GENUINE. Most people will use click through bots to raise numbers artificially - but Ginny hasn't done that - she has a group of genuine followers and friends that support her, comment, and really interact. THANK YOU if you are one of them.
As she hit 50,000 followers the team upgraded the #webdesign of her site to a new simpler - bolder design that is focused on music - video - photos and Social.

If you haven't been there yet - then please go and check it out.

Through the use of #social media we have been able to get a lot of interest in Ginny's work - and that has paid off. She is now working with renowned producer Brian Martin, and recording at the Horizontal Music Studios near Bristol. Working on her new album that is set for release in 2016.

This collaboration with a leading UK studio has had a dramatic impact on Ginny's style vocally and musically - and well - You will love the results.

The #astarmadebyyou team now has a lot of work ahead of it to help Ginny to get to the next milestone of 100K plus followers - and we need your help. We need you to help to share Ginny's posts (retweet, share, like, comment, +1) and help to encourage all your contacts to come and visit Ginny.

Thanks for helping 

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

An Interesting twist with Celine Dion

So for any singer - there are a lot of comparisons that come up. "She sounds like  +Madonna " - "She looks like +Katy Perry  " etc.

It's normal and it's natural that people try to put an Artist into a known "bucket" and then make comparisons. With Ginny Vee the team has tried hard not to have Ginny pigeon holed into any particular artist style.

In her Ginny Vee Karaokes on youtube ( here ) Ginny has covered a lot of different singers from +Bruno Mars to +BeyoncĂ©  -- but very interesting she has never covered +Celine Dion
However recently Ginny has been performing quite a lot of impromptu shows and guest appearances. And guess what... after she has sung a little +Adele - she gets asked repeatedly to sing +Celine Dion

Then after she sings a few Celine songs - people continuously say "You sound so much like Celine Dion" -

So that would not be that unusual - but as a team we have never thought Ginny to sing like Celine Dion. That was until very recently when we started to get this feedback. What added even more conviction to us is that the new UK production team on the first studio visit said "we're gonna set you for a sound like.... Celine Dion."

Then we got this via fan mail...

This particular fan from Taiwan was raving about the songs Ginny has done - but continued to ask Ginny to do Celine songs as "They think she sounds like Celine."

So we started to dig into Ginny's songs - and what she has done so far and sit with her voice coach - and producers --  and well maybe we are starting to be convinced that people are seeing something we are not. As of the last few days we have seen a huge increase in tweets and Facebook posts that are mentioning +Columbia Records and tagging up Ginny. That is strange as we just found out that is Celine Dion's record label. Wild coincidence? Maybe?

As the team that works with Ginny and does her official Blog - we simply can't ignore this - so for the next weeks we are going to investigate - and we are going to get Ginny to cover a few Celine Dion songs. We are also going to float this out to her followers, friends and fans to see if we are "just missing" something here.

We don't want to pigeonhole Ginny like any artist - but we also can't ignore that people, independent of Ginny hear something in her voice - and her style.

We would love to hear any comments - feedback - either here or Facebook or Twitter on if you hear something in Ginny's voice - style that has the flavor of Celine.

We will put a cover song on soon and see what people think.

The Ginny Vee Team

Monday, 16 March 2015

Greetings from the UK --

Although Ginny was born in Tuscany and has all the passion and spirit of a feisty Italian... her singing heart feels more at home away from Italian music - and with western "English / American" music.

Pop - soul - R&B

Ginny is thrilled that she has been picked up by one of the legendary Music Producers in the UK - a veteran of the industry that has worked with Depeche Mode (#depechemode), the Eurythmics (#eurythmics), Genesis (#genesis), Robert plant (#robertplant) and a host of mammoth names from the music industry.

This weekend Ginny has been at the amazing studios near Bristol UK - laying down the first two tracks of the collaboration.

Ginny says "It has been tough. We've been working solid for about 2 days without breaks. This is just the start but I'm thrilled with the sound we've got. I think I've really found my voice here."

2015 is a big year for Ginny - building in her successes to date in 2013 and 2014. This sees a major shift from the project studios in #rome where the new songs will be created - to a major international #studio where the sound will be enriched and given a huge sound.

Ginny is looking forward to sharing the new songs in 2015... 

In the meantime you can catch some of her covers here....

Monday, 16 February 2015

A little karaoke going on

This month Ginny has been preparing to hit the studio in the UK to record new versions of he songs.
In the meantime - Ginny just can't sit still so she has been recording some Karaoke to have some fun.

Check out here her #ladygaga song "Edge of Glory" (lady Gaga)

And here is Ginny singing #brunomars song "When I was your man" (Bruno Mars)

Please comment  - and join Ginny singing

#karaoke #singalong

Monday, 12 January 2015

2015 -- lots going on

Hi and welcome to Ginny Vee in 2015.

There is a ton of new stuff going on with Ginny in 2015. Some we can tell you about - but other things we are keeping a secret until later in the year.

Needless to say her social media presence gets stronger and stronger
He fan base is getting larger and from more countries (over 42 different countries have a fan base)
Ginny remains in the top 3 of #Reverberation

But 2015 will be a break out year for Ginny - already with a live tour being planned and more importantly new music is well underway in the Project Studio and production on her songs is progressing nicely with an amazing UK producer and UK studio - so watch out for those announcements and more.

This year will we major overhauls of the website - Facebook and other social media channels.

So keep sharing - keep following - keep supporting Ginny Vee

#music #pop #singer #femaleartist #ginnyvee #nextbigmusicartist #album