The last weeks have been very busy and we want to share some key updates.
Digital distribution is one of the foundation blocks of today's music artist. We believe that you cannot make "money" as such from music so we have released all of Ginny's Music for free. You can simply go - click and download straight from these sites:

However we found that many people - even if the songs are available for free - want to download from the iTUNES store or GOOGLE PLAY to android in a higher quality audio format that goes straight to their iPHONE or ANDROID
But as with everything digital in the music industry - fad come fast and go fast. The digital "Ownership" era seems to be passing fast - so we also want to ensure that Ginny's music is available for everyone that wishes to stream the live music. So we have also made Ginny Vee's music available on as many streaming services as possible: here's a few of the big ones >>
Ginny Vee – Heaven n Back - Single
In the coming weeks we will ensure that you can get Ginny Vee's Music on as many digital media sources as possible. If you have a favorite then just let us know and we will ensure that you get it.
BUT we need help from you - Ginny needs help from you.
The music industry is no longer based on record sales - it is based on music as the core - but then social sharing - social media. What we would ask is that you share these sources as many times as you can. Please visit the sites or the links and share as wide as you can. This will get the music of Ginny recognized - spread and known about. Our goal at A Star Made by You has always been to create a social media musician from nowhere - and we are getting there. We have over 40,000 hard core fans now across many of the social media platforms such as GOOGLE PLUS, FACEBOOK, TWITTER, INSTAGRAM, TUMBLR, BLOGGER and host of social music sites. But now we ant to really promote Ginny's music - so we need YOUR help to make sure that as many people as possible get to hear this song and the other great music by Ginny.
Recently we also added a bonus video of "Heaven n Back" on YouTube. Although never originally set up as the definitive Heaven n Back video - we shot a series of "glamour" shots of Ginny in the Studio to create a Promo Show Reel. Last week we decided that some of the scenes were actually really good - so we have edited them together into a small video clip
You can get all of Ginny's videos - music and behind the scenes videos by subscribing to her video channel here: SUBSCRIBE HERE
In the past 12 months we have made huge progress with GINNY VEE becoming a well known sound, face and brand across social media. We would like to thank the thousands of Fans that support her, share her social media, sounds and make sure that everyday she grows. We are committed to making Ginny a huge Digital Star and will bring her music and videos to as may platforms as possible.
All suggestions are welcome and all sharing of her digital content is granted to anyone for FREE. So go ahead - copy - share and download as much as you like - Ginny has gone Digital.